Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Horses are the greatest animals ever

So as I was riding my bike to work this morning, my mind was wandering. As I passed by a pasture full of horses I thought to myself, I bet the the horse is the greatest animal ever. I mean you can ride a horse, you can eat it once it gets old, you can make it into glue, You can train it to trample people on the battlefield, lots of women enjoy having sex with horses, it goes on and on. But then I thought hey , i wonder what kind of maniac cave man was chillin and saw a horse & thought, Im gonna catch that motherfucker, then Im gonna jump on its back and Im gonna ride that bitch all over this fuckin forest. I dunno about you, but horses are pretty big and they scare me. That was probably one wild assed caveman. I bet he would be hell of fun to party with. we would drink caveman beer made out of berries or some shit, get wasted & throw rocks & spears and chase pigs or something.