Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Holy Shit! It's Beef Supreme!

I was watching idiocracy the other day and the scene with Beef Supreme came on. I was like HolyShit, I wish my name was Beef Supreme, then the dude came out and he was wearing shiny gold and had like a beard and long hair and a flamethrower. I was thinking, Fuck, I should try to live my life more like Beef Supreme, I mean, Dude has long hair and a beard, He doesnt give a fuck, Plus he has a flamethrower. If i had a flamethrower Id probably just waste it burning stupid shit like bushes or like outhouses or something. Beef Supreme would use it to burn down police stations, because thats just what awesome people do. Plus I bet he gets alot of pussy. I think the moral of the story here, is that we should try to live our lives more like a 4th tier character in a C list saturday night live movie.