So I was thinking about cool 70s movies i loved as a kid. Being a little kid in the 70s I loved the movie Logan's Run. I thought that shit was super bad assed. Basically there were no old people and once you turned 30 you would go into the big arena and you would get zapped by a laser. not really sure why you would just willingly let yourself be put to death once you turned 30 but the thought of no grown ups was pretty awesome. Also they had this kick ass pussy on demand setup, its kinda like your On Demand channel you have on your cable box now , except instead of a movie, you would scroll through until you found a hot chick or dood and then they would like teleport or something and then you would have dirty sex. Im not really sure how they teleported, but its in the future so who knows what kind of shit they invented. Now that i think about it, who the fuck invented this shit if everyone dies when they are 30. When i was 30 all I wanted to do was to go to hardcore shows, bang chubby chicks, and play ps2. but I digress. At the time the thought of no old people was kick ass. now Im old, I think that would be a totally bogus operation.