So the other day I was in my disgustingly dirty kitchen and I thought to myself. Jesus Christ! I sure do drink alot of Coke Cherry zero. I mean its delicious, has a hint of cherry and has zero fuckin calories! You cant beat that shit. Anyway, so lately Ive been going through about 4 fridge packs a week. That adds up to alot of aluminum cans. What Ive been thinking is that I should save all these cans in a giant receptacle in my garage. Once I have a good number of them, I figured I could melt them using a blowtorch. once they are melted down, Im not really sure what i would do with them. I could make a mold out of clay and pour the molten aluminum out into the shape of a sword. Probably one with skulls on it. Speaking of swords with skulls, you would think Skeletor would have a skull on his sword but he doesnt, its just the same sword they use for every other character except its purple. Granted he does have a skull on his staff, which is pretty awesome. Anyway, once I make this sword out of old coke cherry zero cans, I vcould go on quest to find an immortal. Kind of like the Highlander, but hopefully one that doesnt know how to sword fight, because even though I took fencing classes in high school, I doubt I could beat a real deal swordsman in a fair fight. Once I cut off his head then I would become immortal. All thanks to Coke Cherry Zero.
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