Wednesday, June 18, 2008

You Got Served!

So I'm sitting here at my desk staring at this banner ad that has some dude doing a crazy dance looped over & over again. I cant stop staring at it, Its like I'm hypnotized. I'm pretty sure no one dances like this in real life. But It got me thinking, man, dancing is a really weird thing to do. I mean Ive never seen a monkey spontaneously bust into a moonwalk, and thats something I do regularly for no reason at all. Why the fuck do people dance? I mean no other animals do it and it really serves no purpose. Imagine watching a videotape of some cracked out bitches raving with the sound turned off and it suddenly seems pretty ridiculous. The more I think about it the more its disturbing me. I keep thinking of that movie "You got Served" where dudes settle fights by dancing. Imagine if there were monkey wars in the jungle where these monkeys would start doing headspins & shit. Oh man that would be epic. I hope one day national Geographic would film some crazy shit like that. Would totally destroy that "Battle at Kruger" bullshit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In all seriousness, the routes in dancing probably have something to do with mating rituals and stuff.

Also,I know bees actually dance as part of a mating ritual. There's probably other animals that do too.